
Future Land Use Map (FLUM)

DHM planners developed a land use map for the former State reform school site involving more than 1,293 acres. This site has approximately 70% of the land inside the City of Marianna and so it required coordination with both the City and the land owner Jackson County. This land use plan addressed the need for Industrial, Commercial, Residential and Public land use areas. All these needs were met by the proposed land use map now being adopted by Jackson County and City of Marianna.

US Army Corps of Engineers Master Plans and Environmental Assessment

DHM supported Jackson County effort to develop and gain USACOE approval of new Master Plans for five Corps owned park sites on Lake Seminole within Jackson County. this was a 4-year long project. All five Master Plans were approved by Corps. The follow up to that was completing Environmental Assessment for three of the five and gaining final acceptance of the assessment. These three (Neal, Paramore and Howell’s landing parks are now approved for multiple improvement projects by the County as funding supports.

MEGA Site Identification

Graphic represents the site that through an extensive review of the County geography was located by DHM and undergone significant predevelopment investigation and planning for future development as a regional, tri-county MEGA Site. This site is one contiguous parcel of more than 2,300 acres and provides a rare opportunity for the development of a large complex manufacturing campus.

Industrial Site Certification Project & General Area map

DHM supported the City of Marianna and Jackson County in their partnership effort with Gulf Power to obtain multiple “Certified Industrial Site” certifications by a national site development firm. This was an extensive due diligence investigation and planning effort that resulted in two certified sites that the community now uses in multistate competitions for significant economic development projects.